Things You Should Know

For all residents of Wedgwood, here are some things that you may or may not know about the subdivision and about just being a good neighbor.

  • Wedgwood Subdivision is located in unincorporated St. Louis County. It is NOT within the City of Florissant. We have a Florissant mail designation only because we are served by the Florissant Post Office.

  • Wedgwood is also served by the North County 1st Police Precinct, NOT the Florissant Police Department. A North County Precinct neighborhood police officer attends most HOA meetings to provide details on police issues in the area. See Helpful Contacts for the precinct contact information.

  • Are you new to the subdivision and need information on utilities for your new home? Go to the Helpful Contacts page on this website to find the customer service contact numbers for the various utilities.

  • The speed limit in Wedgwood Subdivision is 25 MPH. As with most subdivisions, Wedgwood is plagued by speeding vehicles. Wedgwood trustees have met with St. Louis County officials, trying to come up with solutions to curb this issue. More police presence was suggested, but a police presence only curtails speeders for as long as the police cruiser is on that street. We have suggested having speed bumps installed, but St. Louis County ordinances do not allow them; they hinder (and can damage) emergency vehicles such as fire trucks, ambulances, and police vehicles. The same goes for caution structures, like ‘sawhorses.’

    • A couple of the worst streets for speeding are at major entrances. The entrance from Thunderbird Drive (off of Lindbergh) into Avon Drive is notoriously dangerous. Homes have been hit in this area by vehicles ignoring the stop sign at that intersection. They miss the curve onto Avon, causing damage to nearby residents’ property as well as the vehicle.

    • The entrance at Wedgwood Drive West (off of New Halls Ferry Road) is another area of concern. Wedgwood Drive West is a straightaway that appears to be too tempting to speeders.

    • New Castle Drive off of New Halls Ferry, is a long, wide, and straight drive. It, too, is tempting to speeders.

    • Residents within earshot of New Halls Ferry Road experience loud road noise, sometimes from vehicles racing on this long straightaway road, at all hours of the day and night. Most of this road belongs to St. Louis County and numerous complaints have been filed.

    • Please talk with your family, friends, and neighbors to stress the importance of sticking to the 25 MPH speed limit within the subdivision. We don’t want anyone to get hurt. That includes pedestrians and the speeding drivers as well.

    • If you see a speeding vehicle in Wedgwood, please try to identify the vehicle license plate number, as well as the make and model, and report it to St. Louis County Police, 636-529-8210.

  • It is unlawful to operate all-terrain vehicles (ATV) on public paved roads or sidewalks in unincorporated St. Louis County. ATVs are intended for off-road use, not paved roads. Sightings of ATVs are reported to St. Louis County Police.

  • Please do not leave your home or vehicle unlocked. Leaving your unlocked vehicle to warm up in the driveway is just asking for someone to steal it. Even when you lock your vehicle, do not leave valuables in your car, at least not in sight. A small amount of change in the console is enough temptation for a thief to break into your vehicle. Always take your keys in the house with you, along with the remote garage door opener. Once a thief gets that opener, they can walk right into your house.

    • For personal safety, you should even close your garage door while you are working in the yard. It takes only seconds for someone to get through the garage and into your home.

  • All properties must be kept in sanitary, healthful, attractive, and safe condition. Regular maintenance on property is essential, i.e., paint, roof, siding, brick veneer, fencing, windows, gutters, and chimneys.

  • Neighborhood preservation is important; everyone should be involved in maintaining the subdivision. If you have concerns, go to the Contact Us menu, complete the form and click Send. Please provide complete information so a trustee has a way to reach you.