Wedgwood Trustees
The Wedgwood Trustee Association is an HOA (Homeowners Association). All homeowners in the subdivision are automatically members of the association. Each year at the April HOA meeting, the owners in attendance elect trustees to represent their plats. The trustees are the governing body of the HOA. With input from the owners in their plats, the trustees suggest, propose, debate, and decide on matters affecting the subdivision. Owners in each plat have the exclusive right and responsibility to elect trustees to represent that plat. Trustees are elected yearly with one to three-year terms each. Only owners in good standing may be elected trustees, i.e., assessments are current and there are no complaints or liens against the owner’s property.
To help lead the HOA, officers are elected by the owners each year at the March HOA meeting. Only trustees in good standing may be elected officers.
All owners should consider getting involved with the HOA and participating in the betterment of the subdivision overall. Keep in mind that all persons involved with the HOA are volunteers; there are no paid positions. Owners who volunteer are actively committing their time and efforts to help maintain the subdivision and the value of the properties in Wedgwood.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is made up of the Officers of the association and standing committee chairpersons. As of this writing, existing committees are Park Maintenance, Improvements/Traffic, Architectural Control, Roadway Beautification, and Special Events/Welcome.
The chief executive officer of the association, the official Chairperson of the Annual Election of Trustees, and all other meetings of the trustees as a whole. The chairperson facilitates and ensures meetings adhere to agenda, while maintaining fairness and the respectful behavior of attendees. At this time, the Chairperson also acts as first point of contact to report problem properties.
The second to the chief executive officer, assists the chairperson in planning meetings, and serves as the chairperson of meetings in the absence of the chairperson. Also supports and assists in the coordination of association issues and projects.
The chief financial officer of the association, custodian of all monetary assets, is responsible for maintaining accurate, detailed records. The treasurer prepares reports reflecting the financial status of the association and presents the reports at each trustee meeting. Each fall, the treasurer forms a committee to prepare the next year’s budget for the association. The treasurer is also responsible for the filing of federal and state tax returns, with the support of an accounting and tax company.
Maintains minutes and related documentation of all current and past trustee and executive committee meetings, all written reports submitted by committee chairpersons, all association-related correspondence, all current and past rosters of trustees. Supports and assists in the coordination of association issues and projects.
Below is the trustee list as of the April 2024 trustee annual election. You can see the plat number that each trustee represents, along with the ending year of their service. If you are interested in serving as a trustee, don’t wait for the next annual election. You can volunteer at any scheduled HOA meeting. If you’re not quite sure and want more information, contact the trustee for your plat, as shown in the list below, or click here to send an email to the trustees Gmail address and, in turn, you will be contacted.
Do you know the plat number for your home within Wedgwood? A subdivision map follows the trustee list below.
Wedgwood Trustees - 2024 - 2027
Published December 10, 2024*
PLAT | TERM ENDS 2025 | TERM ENDS 2026 | TERM ENDS 2027 |
1 | Shakina France (314) 623-2715 |
Vacant | Vacant |
2 | Phyllis Kelly Special Events |
Mildred Matthews (314) 839-1449 |
Vacant |
3 | Chastity Warner Secretary 2255 Oxford Dr Janice Woods Treasurer 2205 Somerset Dr. |
Vacant | Vacant |
4 | Penny St. James Kim Gallagher * (314) 703-2609 |
Vacant | Vacant |
5 | Lynda Washington 3495 Brookshire (314) 623-1679 |
Claude Muse | Kelvin Chears 3290 Brunswick Dr (314) 475-0502 |
6 | Tony Costa Wedgwood Vice Chair 2825 Sussex Dr (314) 837-3714 Lauren Ray * |
Elaine Raymo (314) 921-1968 |
Vacant |
7 | Michael Thomas 2620 Cheshire Dr |
Leona Page 3065 Hampshire Dr (314) 921-9909 Cindy Dalpiaz Roadway Beautification 2555 Dresden (314) 974-3750 |
Jeff Webb 2460 Dresden Dr (314) 238-4068 |
8 | Melvin Taylor |
Paul Scherbring Beautification/Parks (314) 839-3164 |
Paul Wilson |
9 | Shani Frazier 2842 Wintergreen Dr |
Leslie Hill Barbara Edwards |
Jerrell Montgomery Architectural Control (314) 495-7242 |
9A | Jerry McGee 2130 Canterbury Dr (314) 494-0019 |
Randy Johnson Architectural Control Assistant 3055 Churchill Dr (314) 956-6776 |
Vacant |
10 | William Shockley 3130 Churchill Dr (314) 972-6253 |
Beverly Dow Improvements/Traffic (314) 972-9240 |
Vacant |
11 | Delcina Bland |
Vacant * | Tom Barker |
12 | Harry Kastrup 2050 Avon Dr (314) 368-0896 - TEXT ONLY Marquetta Duke * (314) 482-4007 (call and/or text) |
Bob Reeves Chairperson (314) 249-6626 |
Vacant |